Redlands Coast Map

Toondah Harbour Priority Development Area
A world-class harbourside mixed use and marine transport precinct within a Priority Development Area. With a $1.39 billion private capital investment from Walker Group Holdings, Toondah Harbour is projected to provide $2.33 billion of indirect benefits to the local economy and deliver $34.8 million estimated annual contribution to gross regional product. The development will include a marina, residential and hotel development, conservation areas and a high quality public realm.
Weinam Creek Priority Development Area
A gateway to the archipelago of residential islands in Southern Moreton Bay, this Priority Development Area project will transform the waterfront of Redland Bay, improve the usability of the transport hub, attract visitors, create jobs and drive economic development in the area, whilst providing much needed increased parking solutions for the Southern Moreton Bay Island commuters. Queensland Health will also deliver a satellite hospital, which will enhance health infrastructure and improve services for the community.
Capalaba Town Centre Revitalisation Project
Capalaba is a busy shopping and commercial precinct, featuring major business and retail centres, complemented by a host of recreational, cultural and community facilities. It is also home to a significant cluster of manufacturers. Looking ahead, the Capalaba Town Centre Revitalisation Project provides the opportunity to deliver a world class, active urban heart for Capalaba. The 2.05-hectare site is located within the commercial hub of Capalaba and includes enhancing the entertainment and restaurant precinct, as well as the Capalaba Bus Interchange – a key transport node providing connectivity to the inner and eastern suburbs of Brisbane. Redland City Council and Redland Investment Corporation are working with Shayher Group as the preferred proponent for the revitalisation, which will also improve pedestrian movement and enhance transport interchange.
Birkdale Community Precinct
Redlands Coast has a once-in-a-generation opportunity to transform more than 62 hectares of community land at Birkdale into a world-class precinct of local, regional and national significance. Redland City Council has formally adopted the Birkdale Community Precinct Vision document – another step towards creation of an exciting community heart for Redlands Coast, and development of the draft master plan is underway.
Redlands Coast Regional Sport and Recreation Precinct
Redland City Council is building the Redlands Coast Regional Sport and Recreation Precinct at 277-293 Heinemann Road, Mount Cotton. The Precinct will provide formal sporting facilities for touch football, rugby league, BMX and cycling and will further support the wider community with an all abilities playground, kickabout space, pump track, rehabilitated wetlands, boardwalks, picnic areas, trails through conservation areas and more than 800 carparks.
Redlands Health and Wellness Precinct
Redland City Council is working with Metro South Hospital and Health Services and Mater Private to deliver a Redlands Health and Wellness Precinct Master Plan. The precinct incorporates the planned expansion of the private and public hospitals, and associated transport and parking infrastructure with future work to identify potential industry clustering opportunities around the hospitals, which can contribute an estimated $350 million in additional economic activity.Shoreline
A new master planned urban community, delivered by Lend Lease, including town centre, residential and open space precincts, which will accommodate approximately 10,000 people.