Why Redlands Coast?

With a focus on clean and green, the hidden gem of South East Queensland, Redlands Coast has a wealth of opportunity, talent and innovation to harness. Surprisingly powerful, and punching above our weight, our manufacturing sector alone generates over $765 million from exports.

With a pipeline of major projects, Redlands Coast is on the cusp of transformational change, accommodating a growing population and providing the facilities, infrastructure and services to meet future demand.

Export-focused economy

Redlands Coast is the ideal place to connect to regional and international markets, with excellent connectivity to ports and airports, and with a skilled workforce catchment drawn to our exceptional lifestyle. Our manufacturing sector alone generates more than $765 million in exports annually.

Skilled workforce

With a highly qualified local workforce (55.4% of the residential workforce have a vocational or tertiary qualification), and dedicated local vocational training providers, Redlands Coast has the talent to match future business needs.

Tailored business support

Redland City Council’s team includes a concierge service, dedicated to guiding you through processes and approvals, providing you with market insights, supporting access to grants and funding, and more.

International connections

We look beyond our border to engage and build international relationships that foster economic cooperation and cultural exchange.

Investment pipeline of major city-shaping projects and investment

From revitalisation of major centres such as Capalaba and Cleveland, to opening up access to our waterfront at Toondah and Weinam Creek Priority Development Areas, through to the new Birkdale Community Precinct including the Olympic standard Redland WhitewaterCentre, Redlands Coast is set to transform over the next decade.

City Profile

The following resources provide valuable information about the city’s economic performance and demographic profile to help you understand your potential market.

Link to download: State of the Redland Economy Snapshot June 2022 Edition. 

Economic Development Framework

Our Redland City Economic Development Framework 2014—2041 sets out our strategic approach to grow the city’s economy and generate jobs over the next 20 years.

Our focus under the Economic Development Framework is to develop key industry sectors so they can provide sustainable economic growth through:

The Economic Development Framework will encourage business investment, industry value-adding and opportunities for regional exports through strong partnerships to help achieve a target of 30,000–40,000 extra jobs.

Download the Economic Development Framework 2014-2041.

International Relations

We have existing sister city and friendship city relationships in Asia that help foster economic cooperation and cultural exchange with Redlands Coast.
These relationships provide opportunities for meaningful collaborations that maximise positive business outcomes.
Find out more about our international relations.

Council Support

We are a pro-business Council offering an investment concierge service:

These relationships provide opportunities for meaningful collaborations that maximise positive business outcomes.

These include:

Assignment of a liaison officer

To guide potential investors through government processes and approvals, provide advice on key policies and strategies, and assist with introductions to relevant stakeholders such as government agencies, financial institutions and leading consulting agencies.

Market insight

Help with understanding local and regional market dynamics.

Grant and funding opportunities

Assistance with identifying potential grants and facilitating expert advice for applications from other agencies including state and federal government or other sources.

Networking opportunities

Connection to industry events and workshops, local business owners and potential investors.

Assisting to tap the talent pool

Introduction to key local education provider and recruitment agencies to source qualified talent.